Monday, February 25, 2013

What If - Song

Another song created when I'm in galau mode, hahaha, enjoy!

I never knew why or when I have this feeling
How can your smile blooms the flower of my heart?
I hope someday I can be someone best beside you
And thinking of you makes me happy yet hurt

Would you someday let your arm free and fall to mine?

What if I have fallen for you
What if my heart wants to wait you
What if your feel is not the same
What if I walk alone

And here is the song

Monday, February 11, 2013

A Song For Gigi

There is a contest to make a song for Gigi, but I think this is an opportunity to make a song for her and hope she'll hear it :)

Here is the lyric

Hey girl has you ever seen an angel
with a smile on her face
with a love in her heart
And her wings can take her to any dream
I have a request for her
to make me smile everyday

If you want to see the angel
just take a look into a mirror

Every little thing she does
Every step and move she dances
Every note she sings along
makes me feel that I miss her

Now you have seen the angel
and you have known who she is
She's not perfect, she's just fine
but she's beautiful enough to me

Here is the song

Hope she like it :)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Medictionary Android Smartphone Application

guys, info mengenai tips-tips kesehatan sekarang ada di smartphone android kamu loo

please visit, like, try, and comment to support us

FB fan page

Download App Link

Introduction Video

Berikan kesan dan kritik kalian untuk aplikasi kami, sehingga kami dapat menyempurnakan aplikasi kami

thank you ^_^

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Android Mobile Application for Competition

guys, boleh minta perhatiannya sama like-nya yaa di facebook, thanks :)

ini aplikasi yang gw buat untuk lomba Challenging Entrepreneurship Competition dari Telkomsel.
Aplikasi ini memiliki informasi mengenai penyakit-penyakit, cara penanggulangannya, dan mengenai pertolongan pertama pada kecelakaan, serta bisa diagnosa penyakit loo.
Minta bantuannya yaa teman-teman :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Right now, I am a fans of two persons in Indonesia, they are Sidney Mohede and Brigitta Cynthia.

Sidney Mohede is my model for a great worship leader. I wish I could be like him. I already like him since he was in Giving My Best band and True Worshippers. Now he is still in True Worshippers. He has also sung in other countries with other worship leaders, such as Chris Tomlin and Israel Houghton. Hope many songs come from him and blessed people in Indonesia and World. ^^

Brigitta Cynthia, who also be called as Gigi, is my favorite in Cherrybelle girlband. Cherrybelle's songs are soft, easy, and have meaning, I like it. But for Gigi, I don't know why I like her, it just like a pop up *poof~ and I am starting to like her, hahahaa. She is cute, tomboy but can be a princess too, smiley, and pump my heartbeat. *gombal mode :P
How about singing with me while I am playing my guitar ^^

Well, just hope the best for you two :)
God bless ^^


Finally, I'm twittering, hahahaa

What If

Wow, it's a long time since my last post, glad to be here again :)
Now I want to share a synopsis about a film that you must watch, the title is "What If"

Kalau ditelaah-telaah nih, sepertinya setiap hari, eh setiap menit kali ya, kita diperhadapkan pada "two ways" and "a choice", dan pastinya membuat kita bingung, which way is good for me? I'll choose that if I know.

Jadi film ini menceritakan kisah dari seorang lelaki, bernama Ben Walker, yang diperhadapkan pada dua pilihan dan satu keputusan yang harus diambil pada masa mudanya. The first one is tetap tinggal di "kampung"-nya bersama his girlfriend dan mewujudkan cita-cita masa kecilnya to become a preacher. And the second one is pergi ke "kota" dan meninggalkan kekasihnya serta impian masa kecilnya untuk mengadu nasib. And guess what will he choose? Tentu saja pergi ke "kota", kalau ngga ceritanya selesai sampai di sini dan penonton kecewa :P

As he joins the city, learns to become a business man, works for a big company, and gets success. Hidupnya sangat berkecukupan dan nyaman. Dia juga sudah mendapatkan kekasih yang baru dan melupakan kekasih lamanya (oh iya lupa sebutin namanya), yang bernama Wendy. Pada keadaan hidupnya yang nyaman ini, well I think, dia hanya menjalani hidupnya saja, sepertinya tidak memiliki tujuan hidup yang jelas dan lupa akan Tuhan. Tujuannya hanya bertambah sukses dan sukses saja.

Amazingly, God gives him a second chance. Suddenly, mobilnya rusak di tengah jalan dan penolongnya adalah seorang malaikat. He strikes Ben in his face and the crazy time of Ben begins.

Hidup Ben berubah, dia hidup seakan dia tidak memilih pergi ke "kota" waktu itu. Ia menikah dengan Wendy dan mempunyai dua anak perempuan, yang satu sudah remaja dan yang lainnya masih SD. And guess what, his job is a preacher! Dia harus menjalani kehidupan tersebut dengan memory yang tetap seperti kehidupan sebelumnya. Bisakah kalian bayangkan seorang business man yang sudah lama melupakan Tuhan akan berkotbah untuk kalian? :))

That's the awkward moment. Bisakah Ben bertahan dengan kehidupan barunya? Apakah Ben rindu untuk kembali ke kehidupan lamanya? Atau dia bisa menikmati kehidupan barunya? Bagaimana nasib Ben jika kehidupan keduanya hanyalah sebuah percobaan? Yang artinya saat dia mulai menyukai kehidupan tersebut, dia mungkin akan dikembalikan ke kehidupan lamanya. Penasaran? Nonton dong :)

Quote from this film, I make it myself :
"God's part is giving a chance and our part is making a choice, please let me choose Your plan."

thanks for reading
God bless ^^